LN1(SW/AW) Rhianne Poff, from the Region Legal Service Office Mid-Atlantic, re-enlisted aboard the USS Wisconsin (BB-64) in front of members of her command and family. The Wisconsin is one of four Iowa-Class Battleships, and is moored permanently as a museum ship next to the Hampton Roads Naval Museum. The museum proudly hosts military ceremonies aboard the USS Wisconsin free of charge for area commands. To inquire, contact their Special Events Coordinator, Tom Dandes at Thomas.Dandes@navy.mil or at (757) 322-3106. Note: Images submitted to DVIDS (Defense Visual Information Distribution Service) are available for the public to download and utilize without cost. If this image appears on a commercial site that charges a fee to download, you can avert this by going to www.Dvidshub.net, and search for the associated image under our command, Naval History & Heritage Command, where the high resolution image is available without cost. (US Navy Photo by Civilian Public Affairs Officer Max Lonzanida/Released)